Memo to Bulls GM: Lying is not a good negotiation strategy

Gar Forman, the GM of the Chicago Bulls

Gar Forman, the GM of the Chicago Bulls

The News is out that Ben Gordon is leaving Chicago and going to the Detroit Pistons. How did it get to this stage?

ESPN Chicago details what sounded like a team who wanted to re-sign Ben Gordon

When he was introduced as the team’s GM on May 21, Forman spoke about Gordon.

“We like Ben,” Forman said at the time. “He’s our kind of guy. He’s got great makeup and character, a great work ethic. Our goal is to re-sign Ben Gordon. In the conversations we’ve had, I think Ben wants to stay here in Chicago.”

Listening (or in our case reading) that, you would think that the Bulls would resign this guy.  Remember the series that he had against Boston?

But, the truth comes out…ESPN Chicago continues…

Gordon was reminded that the Bulls said re-signing him was a priority.

“It is what it is,” he said. “Like I just told you, there was no offer made. So you guys can put it together. I’m happy about my new situation now. I’m looking forward to it.”

Maybe he should have taken the first offer two summers ago, but he didn’t.  Now, he is going to make almost 10 million more.  A risky gamble, but one that paid out.  Players often talk about respect, but owners,  you should read that as money…

“As far as the organization giving me my respect, I really don’t know what they thought of me. When you go through the negotiations I’ve gone through, the writing is kind of on the wall.”

Gordon reportedly rejected $50 million offers from the Bulls the last two summers. Bulls chairman Jerry Reinsdorf said Gordon’s agent Raymond Brothers wanted to accept the five-year, $50 million offer last summer after initially rejecting it, but the Bulls decided it was too late and took the offer off the table.

Bulls, this is what you lost….Hope you have something to replace him…

But, wait a minute, didn’t they say that they were going to try to re-sign them?  I understand if they get outbid, but to not make an offer is disingenious.

Gordon visited the Detroit Pistons on Wednesday — the first full day of NBA free agency — and committed to a five-year deal for between $55 million and $60 million, sources told Contracts can’t be signed until July 8.During an interview on ESPN 1000’s “Waddle & Silvy” show, Gordon was asked how aggressively the Bulls pursued him.

“I mean, they didn’t pursue me at all,” Gordon said. “They didn’t even make an offer, so it was pretty much a one-man race.”

This is not a good look if you are trying to attract free agents to your spot, if they know that you are a liar…

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