There is a special place in HELL reserved for you, Rumeal Robinson

How do you cheat the woman that raised you?

How do you cheat the woman that raised you?

Once you make it, you usually hear of players talking about taking their parents out the hood and buying them a big, new house and a bright shiny car.  Players are clearly not obligated to do that.  But, you should have an obligation to NOT RIP THEM OFF!  Rumeal must have been sleeping during that ethics lesson in life, since he did just that.

CAMBRIDGE – Rumeal Robinson scaled the pinnacle of American sports in April 1989, an ice-in-his-veins basketball player from the streets of Cambridge who sank a pair of pressure-packed free throws to vault the University of Michigan to a storybook national championship.

His tale was the stuff of fantasy: rescued from homelessness at age 10, given shelter and self-esteem by strangers, and presented with a new life that once seemed destined for aimless tragedy when his biological mother abandoned him. He even had the Cambridge street he lived on named after him.

That tale, inspiring and incredible, has taken a shockingly tawdry twist.

His adoptive mother wants the street, Rumeal Robinson Place, stripped of its name and rededicated to her late husband. And she wants a mural of her son, placed in honor near the Cambridge Rindge & Latin School fieldhouse, purged of his glory-days image.

Now, what could have this guy done that is that horrible?  He swindled his adoptive mother out of her home…

Helen Ford, incredulous and embittered, alleges that Robinson swindled her of the sprawling old home where she lived for 35 years and raised him. She has since been evicted, lost many of her belongings and mementos, and says she is struggling to pay the rent for an apartment in Somerville. “He’s not deserving of none of this fame,’’ said Ford, 65, who has worked as a safety officer for the Cambridge schools for 30 years. “He was thought of as a nice person, but he’s not a nice person. Not after what he’s done.’’ Robinson could not be reached for comment, but his lawyer said he finds the allegation “hard to believe.’’ Boston Globe

Ford and her attorney accuse Robinson of a brazen fraud committed in June 2003, when the lawyer alleges that Ford was duped into signing over the home to one of her son’s business associates. Dennis Benzan, the attorney, said that Robinson had asked Ford to put up the home as collateral for a loan he needed to build a luxury resort in his native Jamaica. Instead, amid a flurry of documents pushed under her pen, Ford says she unwittingly signed a deed that sold the two-family home to Robinson’s associate for $600,000. Ford says she never saw a dime of the money, a later mortgage defaulted, and Ford was dumbfounded when she received an order in March to vacate the home. Boston Globe

I hear that they will cut you a great deal on property down here Rumeal....

I hear that they will cut you a great deal on property down here Rumeal....

LeBron James “attempts” to defend his friend…why is this news?

and another question is “Lebron, why are you a snitch?” That is all you did here…Either hire someone to beat him down, or for a better suggestion, just do it yourself. If one of my boys get decked in a fight,we would be riding for the dude that did it.

Maybe this is the way to bring a championship to CLE....

Maybe this is the way to bring a championship to CLE....

When you have nothing to say, sometimes you grab for anything. In being interviewed, LeBron called Braylon Edwards childish for allegedly hitting a friend of his.

BEREA, Ohio (AP)—LeBron James called Browns receiver Braylon Edwards(notes) “childish” for allegedly punching James’ friend early Monday morning outside of a Cleveland night club.

James said Edwards punched Edward Givens, a friend of James’ and a promoter with a Cleveland marketing firm who was working outside the club around 2:30 a.m. EDT.

The world does not revolve around you Lebron.  In fact a lot of people just dont care and are not jealous of you.

The world does not revolve around you Lebron. In fact a lot of people just don't care and are not jealous of you.

“I’ve never crossed paths with Braylon before, but it seems like there’s a little jealousy going on with Braylon and me and my friends. I have no idea why,” James said. “I’ve never said anything to Braylon at all. But for him to do that is very childish. My friend is 130 pounds. Seriously. It’s like hitting one of my kids. It doesn’t make sense.”

James says he was home when the fight occurred, but got a call from Givens telling him about it at 7 a.m. Monday.

LeBron, it sounds like this dude is one of your kids. Why is he calling you that early in the morning to talk about what happened at the club? Did he stay out past his curfew? It makes sense if dude was talking slick. He is old enough to be responsible for what he says.

This reminds me of what happened to Erik when he went to the CAL game this weekend. (To make a long story short, this old dude thought that he could check Erik with repercussions. He was wrong … E almost had to beat an old dude down in front of his father.) Bottom line, if someone puts his hands on you, or says something slick, then all bets are off.

maybe less time on the sidekick and more time watching where you are going would have prevented you from getting smacked up

maybe less time on the sidekick and more time watching where you are going would have prevented you from getting smacked up....this is a promotional picture of the firm that LBJ's friend works at. Not sure which he is, but he got bruised up!

Browns coach Eric Mangini said he has spoken with Braylon Edwards about the alleged fight.

I wonder what Coach said….I would have said something like, “Where was that fight during the game, since we lost and you didn’t catch a single pass, even though Anderson threw for 269 yards?”

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that a 28-year-old man accused Edwards of punching him in the face following an argument. The man said Edwards hit him with a closed fist. He said he suffered a black eye and cut and was treated at a hospital.

Why is this part news? Did he expect to be hit with an open fist in a slapping motion?

he does look pretty satisfied.....

he does look pretty satisfied.....

Mangini said he was aware of the incident. He added his players’ personal conduct is important and that he was still gathering information on the incident.

Edwards did not catch a pass in Sunday’s 23-20 overtime loss to Cincinnati. It was the first time in 62 career games Edwards did not have at least one reception.

So, it might have changed Braylon’s game, hopefully LBJ will not let it change his game.

Eddy Curry is hurting for money…

Now, Eddy has gone through some turbulent times recently.  With the loss of his child and former girlfriend, the Thornwood HS Center has had to live the painful parts of his life in the spotlight. Now news of his financial woes are coming to light…The New York Times probes into the coffers of Eddy Curry

July 2, 2009

Curry Says Ex-Agent Mishandled His Money

Eddy Curry shed new light on his financial problems Wednesday when he sued his former agent, accusing him of mishandling his money.

In the lawsuit, Curry, the beleaguered Knicks center, accused the agent Lamont Carter of withholding years of bookkeeping records and demanded that Carter produce the documents.

The dispute could explain why Curry, who has earned $34 million since 2005, has been sued multiple times for failing to pay his bills. Carter served as Curry’s agent and business manager for three and a half years, until Curry terminated the relationship last December.

According to the suit, which was filed in Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago, Carter “has failed, neglected and refused” to account for “all money received by him and paid out by him” from May 2005 through December 2008.

This isn’t the only issue that has plagues Eddy. talks about the strain that the financial issues are causing him.

July 01, 2009. In what has to be the WORST case of financial mismanagement in HISTORY, learned that NBA baller Eddy Curry’s Chicago mansion is in foreclosure.

Why is this so crazy??? Well because Eddy currently is under contract with the NY Knicks, where he made $10 million last season, and he’ll make $11 million next season.

Eddy Curry’s multimillion-dollar mansion in southwest suburban Burr Ridge — where the former Chicago Bulls center was bound with duct tape and robbed two summers ago — is now in foreclosure, according to court documents filed Monday.

According to foreclosure documents, that got a hold of, as of Friday, Eddy was behind $217,502 on his $3.7 million mortgage. Eddy and his wife Patrice took out a 30- year $3,719,316 mortgage on the home in 2006. The interest rate on the mortgage was 9.25% and could go up as high as 15.25%.

Eddy … bruh … you need to give Suze Orman a call..

But the whopper is the sexual harassment suit that was filed against him in January of this year.  FoxNews details the charges

Knick center Eddy Curry was slapped with a shocking sexual-harassment suit yesterday by his former driver, who claims the 6-foot-11 hoopster tried to solicit gay sex from him.

Stunning court papers charge that Curry, a married father of several kids, repeatedly approached chauffeur David Kuchinsky “in the nude,” saying, “Look at me, Dave, look” and, “Come and touch it, Dave.”

Curry, 26, also made Kuchinsky perform “humiliating tasks outside the scope of his employment, such as cleaning up and removing dirty towels [into which Curry had ejaculated] so that his wife would not see them,” the Manhattan federal court suit says.

I guess that would explain this picture that I found of Eddy and David Lee that looked a little suspect…

Even NBA Players are using Craigslist for SEX!

Even NBA Players are using Craigslist for SEX!

But, remember when he was actually good?  What could have been with a little effort…